RedDot Academy

How to Overcome Stage Fright: Tips for Students

How to Overcome Stage Fright: Tips for Students Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Stage fright is a prevalent issue among people who get anxious when asked to address the public or appear onstage. Little nervousness among individuals before the performance is common, but it gradually disappears when it’s time to perform. But, for some people, the fear… Continue reading How to Overcome Stage Fright: Tips for Students

Finding Your Voice

One of the most important skills an individual can learn is self-expression.

Practice Makes Perfect!

A junior speaker can develop their presentation skills by practicing whenever possible.

Public Speaking as an Emcee

It’s the moment before I go up onto stage. The idle chatter from the audience beyond the curtains, the weight of the microphone in my hand, and the adrenaline buzz running through me as I run through the sequence of the event and recap my lines in my mind. The curtains open, and it’s showtime!

Speaking to a Crowd?! I’ll Pass.

By Malcom Fu